IA: Iowa legislator wants to move the goal posts


Iowa state representative Dean Fisher wants to solve an imaginary problem.

Tier IV Sex Offender Registry – House File 163. This is a bill that I introduced during the 2017 session which I am continuing to work on. This bill addresses the problem of sex offenders that “time out” of the registry after a set number of years (usually 10 years) and then move to a new area of the state or move into Iowa from another state.

Is it a problem when someone successfully serves the sentence handed down by the court? Is it a problem when legislated timelines run out with no further sex offenses?

If a sex offender has timed out, law enforcement has no way of knowing this person is in their community.

What does law enforcement need to know about any law-abiding person?

This bill establishes a new requirement for any person that has ever had to register as a sex offender in Iowa or any other jurisdiction to register with the county sheriff when they move into or around the state. This classification of sex offenders would not be required to re-register quarterly or annually like other classes of sex offenders. [My emphasis.]

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Any type of registry ought to be unconstitutional. There is very little evidence showing registries prevent crime, but a lot of evidence showing that registries cause crime because they inhibit societal reintegration. Tiered registries are just a way for the government to rationalize keeping a registry (mainly because of the special interests — “treatment” businesses, law enforcement unions, etc. — that have infected government). This is just one of the many examples to how tiered registries open the door to more potential madness.

None much if registrants are no longer required to “register” and no longer required comply with any rules and restrictions under any sex offender registry laws, they should be left alone and unmolested, and registrants are getting screwed in libel accusations and conspiracy theories of the “frightening high recidivism”. These legislators need to stop passing all these crazy laws.

This is retarded! The individual falls off the registry and goes back on? Really? I suggest the lawmaker blank off!!

A solution looking for a problem, not just unique to Iowa though or it’s legislatures.

He should read the Cumberland County, PA paper highlighted here yesterday and the lack of corroborated stats for starters then continue with true data-filled reading of similar statistics.

Is there anyone in Iowa working to highlight these erroneous thoughts?

Why does a free citizen ever need to continue to service the state in any form or capacity?

It is apparent that registrants are forced to service the state under penalty of law. Wait… forcing a free citizen into any compulsory service that is not punishment is prohibited under the US Constitution.

The registry isn’t born to all free citizens. It was born at the moment of conviction. Involuntary servitude does have an exception – to punish a crime. Anything outside to punish a crime cannot be imposed upon a free citizen.

Being on the registry is an everyday service as you’re on someone’s radar all the time. This Iowa law will make someone who is off the registry to be back on the registry as well as be on the IML lists. VA is trying to pass a bill that all registrants need to disclose themselves in any shelter as well as ban them from school property. Failure to obey these services to the state will result in felony punishment in the proposed laws in VA.

I wished people starting seeing that being on the registry is an everyday service to the state and to the country with the IML. Failure to comply with any service placed upon the registrant to follow will result in punishment. This is being imposed on a free citizen. Free citizens should be able to walk away from any service where the penalty is either a loss of wage or loss of job for that service. Registrants are free citizens, but they cannot walk away from this service.

Apparently, in Iowa, even if you complete you service and are removed from the registry, you will not be removed in Iowa. You will be forever be forced into involuntary servitude to the state under penalty of law.

That’s just to show the illusion of “once an SO, always an SO” dead or alive, which makes me sick.

Why doesn’t this jackass lawmaker grow a set and apply this to ALL people who have EVER been convicted of ANY felony in ANY jurisdiction or state and who are now living anywhere in Iowa? If he wants to be Mr. Public Safety Hero, then why is he stopping at former Registrants??

Another politician gets a critical email from me. We need to flood these idiots with information that refutes their warped logic.